Monday, July 31, 2006
TODAY's A HOLIDAY! only our school has it lol!
lets talk about the esplanade concert and some other stuff. weee!
we practised loads this week yeah? i feel im not doing good enough, and its true.
however, i've really tried my best, even though i sound airy, and too soft. something's wrong with my support X( when i do the warm ups, i can use support, but the moment i sing, its just gone. i don't really know why. now that i don't use throat voice anymore, at least the sound is not so bad, its just too soft haha.
the sops didn't sing really well, but nvm, jiayou people (including me lol) We keep going sharp except for super trouper i think. haha!
well, anyway, the sec ones were made to sing infront of the wholechoir on friday and saturday =(
so sad, i felt like i was the one singing in front of so many people the moment tingwei sang.
lol. if i were her, i wouldjust break down without singing, she's so brave, unlike me X(
alright, now about yesterday.
yesterday was fun haha!
we reach school at 8:30, and left for esplanade. we went into our room the moment we reach there, and wow, it has rows and rows of mirrors EVERYWHERE! so fun.
the SLs then collected out hp, wallet and mp3..dah. our passes were also kept in the locker.
i can't remember much, only that we warmed up, had technical rehearsal, and then ate lunch at 1 pm, putting on our gowns and make up and court shoes after that.
man, we took Sooooo long to put make up on our faces, ms sng kept saying our blusher, eyeshadow and lipstick not enough haha!
we looked like barbie dolls in the end, so funny!
so we had warm ups again until out full dress rehearsal, and we had our dinner again. all this while i sat with the two sunflowers, xitheng and eliz.
during dinner damn funny. (woah, d d d alliteration!) we eating halfway, then suddenly from the other side of the room shouted; "xitheng he2 jesse shi4 tian1 sheng1 yi2 dui4, di4 zao4 yi4 shuang1 !" lol. then xitheng was like embarrassed, jesse also haha! they're so cute >.<
slapped on more make up after dinner,
touch up on our foundation(jesse looked like a ghost) blusher, eyeshadow (very fun. we kept applying and applying, then liz put so much hah!). even borrowed the eyelash curler (what we call the kiap kiap thing) from some people and played around with it, then put mascara lol!
we look like "wayang freaks" (as what ms sng describes) but hey, it was so fun!
we were feeling bored, so everybody played around with the makeup, xitheng even looked like an apple, thanks to me. i kept telling her 'not enough blusher'. lol sorry. eliz put too much foundation, and i see vanessa looking at the mirror 100% of the time, and she's always with her eyelash curler and mascara! so fun, everybody was playing with make up due to Sian-ness, and some people even put cranberry lotion on casper
so casper just walks around the room saying "oh, i smell like a girl, i smell like a girl!" then keeps rubbing the lotion onto other guys =.=
after our time of boredom, it was finally our turn to sing. when we were backstage, we heard the solo sop sing. woah! her voice damn high, we were like omg!
lol, we went on stage after a long wait.
we didn't do well. we went out of tune, and kept rushing.
ahwell, nothing can be done i guess, just haveto improve more next time bah.
the finale item was next, then we went backstage and BACK on stage for photo taking. lol.
then FINALLY, at 10, we can take off our gowns. got back my hp and WOAH, there were a few messages waiting for me, and many came from cai dao gui, asking me silly questions =.=
iwon't answer them here, just come online lah. one from my mom, one from my brother, and one from edmund asking for maths homework! LOL~
sian, i don't want to type le. sent isabel and sunyu home, sunyu even showed me my bro's pic and m*******, my brother's ba bing (learnt that word from pro ryan)
k, school gonna give us buffet on friday, woooohhooooooo. and today's a holiday. staying at home to pia all my hw, hope i can finish. farewell, people.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
while you take another few days off to cool down, i just want you to know that it really is a misunderstanding..
you might feel i am not trusting you enough, as consequences seem to show, i am sorry, if i had really made you feel this way. i hope you'll trust me in what i say in this post, as it is the real truth. of course it wouldn't be detailed, after all, i won't want everybody to know what happened ;)
firstly, i would really like to say, nobody really is to be blamed for this, and i do not hope for this to go on like that. i feel weird in school not talking to you, and not calling you laogong, and going down to recess with you. and, although you probably won't believe me yet, it is not that i don't trust you, its just that so many things, so many people talking to me at the same time, the things that "cannot be told" and "can be told" are confusing me so much lately.
its been weird, where everybody seemed to be talking behind your backs, and with these things going on, i've been mixing up with people whom i can trust, and not.
I would like to say, however, that this actually isin't what you think it is, pardon me if this offends you, but i seriously did not know it wasn't you, as somebody told me that it was you who actually said that. ohwell, at this point of time, you might probably say "but you should have trusted me in the first place" something like that, but seriously, if someone had been telling me something, it would be, rather difficult to not have a single doubt, afterall, you were one of the two who knows it. no offence to you again, and yes, i'm sorry i didn't trust you much enough, after having known you for more than a year. yes, i should have known better than this, and nothing like this has happened to me for around two years, and i think you would feel this way too: it feels very weird, very, to be avoiding each other, even if it was just for a day.
well, i might admit, i can't really do anything just yet, for you to think i'll trust you once again, but hopefully, we can mend this as soon as possible? i won't say more, and sorry once again, i've already deleted that post, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
oh well, hello everyone.
no choir today, but we've still got loads and loads of homework, ahh!
and today in history was not nice. =X
me, alicia and someother people in the class were made to copy the whole of the exercise 4!
for me and alicia, we did not do 2 pages, as we didn't know we must do it! ahh! just because of that, we were punished along with the other people in our class, and i'm sure there are still loads of people like us, who just did not finish everything, although having done most. ahh! this copying-the-workbook thingy should be abolished! lol.
okok, i won't type more. i've not eaten my lunch, and its already five pm!
byebye people, and hello homework.
Friday, July 21, 2006
no idea why. i personally did not like the storyline, though i thought the songs are pretty nice X)
the actress is so pretty haha!
the latest craze in ahs: ms sia selling t shirts in century square.
ahaha. okay. no intentions of discrimination or whatsoever.
but i find it abit weird to change from a teacher to a businesslady X)
maybe she just don't like kids haha!
right. today was, erm. okay
went to school. the first person i talked to was liu, complaining on how we dirtied the table.
then, i could not even look at the noticeboard, im' so ashamed of it.
then, some people got so pissed about us leaving glue on their tables
yeah right. a good way to start a day huh?
so during pe, i suddenly had this urge to just bite someone or just strangle him or her. or just chop objects into little pieces.
the beginning of the day was so stressful for me, and i just had this creepy feeling.
then, it was as per normal during chinese lesson, then after chinese was recess.
then, disaster.
sun lao shi talked to me about the board, how we should improve more, blah,blah.
i have no idea why, i felt like crying.
so she went on talking, and then i felt like she thinks i did a horrible job. sorry.
well. if i continue to be like that everytime we do the noticeboard, im' gonna die one day. seriously.
fine, i held back my tears about this, then she suddenly talked about how i was a perfectionist, and started to talk about a topic quite sensitive to me (no, im' not blaming sun lao shi for this, its my weak point anyway), then, i just suddenly broke down.
blah. just like that.
at that moment, i didn't care about the consequences, i didn't care i was crying in front of a teacher, in front of my friends, in front of the class. i just broke down. sorry.
and well, im feeling better now, thanks to my friends (:
alicia, prissy, yuenlam, sheena, terie, annia, kaiying, jiayu and loads of others, no offence if i forgot.
they made me feel much better XD
thanks so much, and i'm really touched.
then was end of school for me at eleven twenty, and choir.
blah. it was okay bah. although our singing sucked.
okay. damn i don't feel like posting le
that marked the half of my day.
founders day tml. i eating breakfast with xitheng and eliz
i love people.
il ove friends
and i really hope i can say "i love myself"
currently i can't say it. i just can't
and arghh. ytd was...jesslin you want to kill me i also want to kill you!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
firstly, i would like to say a big thankyou to those who helped out in the noticeboard, and those who gave me encouraging words.
sorry, 2d, i don't think i really made up to the expectations of the class, and im' sorry the board didn't turn out well. its pretty sucky, and it wasn't what i expected. i thought the plan was pretty okay, but when it comes to making the board...well, you'll know when you see it tomorrow.
{its okay if you don't read this portion}
please don't say sorry to me if you didn't stay back, for 'im sure all of you have your ccas and stuff, you're busy, because of the founders day...
its alright it you want to kill me, seriously, i think i want to kill myself anyway. for screwing up all the boards and stuff, it's enough for our class to lose our title as the outstanding class.
our class haven't been winning in any noticeboard competitions, and maybe, i thought, it was my fault. sorry. i really am. for being such a horrible welfare in charge, for making the boards so ugly, for being so idiotic when it comes to something big like this.
please don't blame yourselves, i guess, if i were to be in your shoes, i wouldn't have done too much to help either. sorry to those who have seen me going mad, for getting out of my mind, all those screaming and sawing and stressful crap i blabber out of my mouth, please don't take them to heart.
sorry to those, whose tables have suffered from bad penknife marks from me cutting the styrofoam boards, and sorry to those whom i have gotten glue on your tables.
sorry to those who have heard my sadistic words, sorry to those who have seen me looking dazed and well, that idiotic stressed out stare of mine.
and a big sorry to ashley, for the crap i said over the phone, please don't take them to heart, i was just randomly blabbering nonsense.
and sorry for keep saying sorry. i know its irritating and pointless to keep saying sorry, for i can't change reality with just dozens of sorries, and well, please forgive me for this. i won't say more than 15 sorries in the next few paragraphs.
{stop. read from here onwards}
alicia: well, i am sure alicia is stressed out too, but please, darling, don't give up. although i am so pessimistic and all i can say now is just sorry, sorry and sorry, i hopefully won't take giving up as an option, okay? i know you don't feel like doing the noticeboard now, but well, hopefully we can improve next time? i hope you feel better after the two of us slashed and tore and pulled and shredded the styrofoam board in half, maybe you're inclined to violence like me too? smile, you'll always be the sexy monkey in our hearts. we all love you. don't give up in whatever you do, yea?
Jiayou, jiayou, jiayou. i'll hopefully see you tomorrow morning with new hopes and big wide grin, preferably the perverted grin i always see you with, haha. no offence to this, you just seem to have that smile. so alicia, smile tomorrow, nobody wants to see sad monkies.
felicia: thankyou, felicia, for your encouraging words, and don't say sorry to me, haha. i shall support you all the way! woohoo! thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, for being our wonderful monitress, and don't give up also okay? yay! wo yong yuan zhi chi ni! and thanks for helping out yesterday!
annia: thanks for being such a wonderful friend, for helping me clean the class up, for coming to help us, for staying late. sorry i made you stay till so late, and to drag you down into the stress-zone. don't get stressed anymore, later you become lao ren jia! thinking too much gives you white hair (: thankyouthankyoutahnyou. ilu =)
sheena: haha, thanks for the lyrics, sing it again tomorrow! lalalalala. sheenanananananana. yay!
kaiying: yay you drew a beautiful sun! lol (: thanks for helping out today, i'm sorry for being sadistic again hhahah.
gina: yay thanks for drawing the fire today! it was fun working with you (: aiyoaiyo, sorry i make until the mountains so weird, hha.
siyun: thanks for staying till so late today, lol. don't kill me for not using the scraped styrofoam boards hahaha. treasure the "souvenir" i give you everytime we do noticeboard hahaha
christopher: thanks for staying back these few days with us, and thanks for being so entertaining haha! it was fun screaming and singing and shouting and swearing and laughing with you and alicia and the rest, continue to be a bimbo hahaha. and your little men are cute X)
megan and terie: yay the words the both of you drew yesterday was so nice, although i ruined it by outlining it with a black marker...
cherine: for being part of the class, i don't know why, buti feel like saying sorry to you for the ugly job made. lol.
jiaying: for being so sweet =)
jonathan chia: thanks for going up and down to help me buy whiteglue today hahaha. jemimah!
jonathan goh: lol, thanks for the message hhah. the signature does not look quite right, though. haha.
jesslin: thanks for crapping with me, and well, about everything that happened yesterday =D you're fun to be with, lao gong!
anna: uhm, sorry for those penknife marks i created on your table X( sorry sorry!
yuen lam: thanks for the message too, don't say sorry okay? (:
isabel: lol, thanks for making the tents, and i did my duty, and even cleaned the whole classroom! with annia haha.
jiayu: (: i won't give up dearie, so sleep early okay? i love you!
mabel: thanks for sweets, and ahaha! i caught you, so you still owe me sweets! haha!
mengfei: thanks for being my laopo, laogong wo ai ni! hha!
venecia: thanks for the fun in history class haha (:
edmund: thanks for helping out in drawing the school flag hahahah=D Hentai-chan!
george: hmm, thanks for arm wrestling with me that made my elbows hurttt like hell? haha.
xiquan: yaya! for being our wonderful classleader! sorry we start not so early lah, in the end we still do until so e xin. xigua (:
cheongkai: uhm, uhm, uhm, for being our IT rep and uhm, for pinning "liu's" photo on the notice board haha!
zhengwei: hmm, for helpingme do duty tomorrow, but must thank me for helping you do duty today! =D
liu: thanks for comments, although they ain't really constructive comments...ahh well, you draw next time can?
eugene: hmm, for giving us that retarded smile haha!
yihao: for lending us the table when we doing welfare, although we didn't really ask for permission hah! uhm, sorry, i think we gotabit of glue no your table....
samuel: hmm, for being part of the class! and for not criticising
chengloon: for staying back with us ytd, and for helping to draw the flag too!
daniel: thanks loads for drawing most of the flag, and for being a bigbird! LOL (:
pamela: thanks for giving us comments today and for the fire and for your markers! =D lol i didn't know youchanged your phone since april X) but at least i knew the old one was a pink samsung =)
leongying: for talking to me justnow, i think you might have heard me screaming, haha!
others: thanksloadsloadsloadsloads for helping (: thank you! and sorry sorry lah. i know i suck like hell and i'm like a cureless case...
so uhm, kill me people if you want. seriously
throw rotten eggs at me, i don't care, cause i know i suck.
ohwell, hopefully you shall see me with a grin tomorrow (:
jiayou everybody.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
hello people, i'm gonna post pictures today! =3
i hereby announce that i might be dead by this week:
1) i'm sorry, i think the noticeboard ain't nice
2) i've got loads of homework
3) i've accidentally cut myself using the penknife while doing the noticeboard
4) i'm suffering from the left-eye-twitching syndrome, and sheena's rub-it-with-your-right-hand-over-your-head method does not work
5) i've dropped my phone more than 3 times
6) i've got no time to practise my piano
7) i've been sleeping at 1 am everyday, and my mom is angry
8) i've got more pimples due to sleeping late
9) i've not been a good girl
10) i've not been spending too much time to study, i've got no mood
11) i've not concentrated during some lessons
12) i'm afraid i might fall asleep one fine day
13) i've got a really short gown that needs alteration
14) i've not corrected my mistake of saying "shit"
15) i've not gotten to stop saying "omg"
16) i've not been reading story books
17) my knee and back and whole body aches, and my bones hurt
18) i might die of lack of sleep
19) i'm not gaining weight although i eat alot
20) i think i am losing my memory
let me rest in peace. hopefully i won't die of heart attack too soon
there's still alot in life i haven't experienced! like being a teacher! haha.

yay the retarded threesome ^^
where jesslin looking at?
she claims she looking at christopher singing haha

more retardedness. k i think alicia looked nice but not me >.<
this photo gives me the shivers =X
christopher's failed attempt to act cute?
and holding my iPod listening to hanabi, trying to hit the super high notes.
yu kuuuuu....
two more of his spastic, idiotic, lame, uncute, unsweet photos to go.
its hilarious.
another failed attempt, and christopher tries even harder to act cute to please his
beloved orihime,lacus and sakura...
still failed in the end...i've got enough of christopher haha
yay! part of our noticboard. 2D rocks! <3
our class in a mess...
oO yihao gonna kill us for making a mess on his table.
alicia talks on the phone with her pri school friend yida from Ri, negotiating about scanning and printing scores, and after a while, alicia got really pissed (me included) so we decided to let christopher
SCREAMMM into the phone (:
that taught him a lesson, and after a while, he sms-ed to christopher:
oi chiobu, sing what sing?
LOL. chiobu? (im' sure this will boost christopher's confidence)
yea we got pissed, so when i cut the styrofoam board, i cut myself =.=
oh wow, thanks to this big green giant penknife:
see! its the culprit!
meanwhile, the uncle came around at 5 to lock the classrooms...
"aiya, ni men kuai dian shou dong xi" (aiya you all quick pack your stuff!)
me: "ke yi dao wu dian ban ma?" (can until 5:30?)
uncle: "ni men hua dao wu dian ban ye zuo bu wan de ma!" (you all draw until 5:30 also cannot finish de wad)
me: "yi xia zi hao ma, xiexie?" (just a while can, thanks?)
uncle: "bu ke yi! kuai dian zou!" (cannot! you quick go!)
me: "orh..."(okay) and mutters under my breath
thus, the noticeboard is still bare. sorry felicia.
when we left the classroom...
isabel and alicia took a photo, with my nice water bottle.
see it? nice right!
he never gives up...
right. that's all for today.
mr. low is going by this week!
bye earth.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Your 10 favourites
Favourite Colours: red, black, white, lavander, limegreen, light blue, chrome yellow, pink, orange, turquoise
Favourite Food: Jap food and chicken rice =p
Favourite Songs: Jpop, anime songs, chinese songs and some el pop. i like most songs. esp. wilber pan, lee hom, fir, utada hikaru, yui and a whole load of anime songs <3
Favourite Movies: hmm..i haven't been watching good movies lately..the day after tomorrow, LOTR are some of the better ones
Favourite Sports: running only. my knees hurt like hell nowadays so count me out on sports
Favourite Day of the Week: Friday or tuesday
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: mint chip. all time favourite of mine ^^
Favourite Countries: Hong Kong (my hometown ^^), Singapore (where i am staying now), Japan, Shanghai
Favourite Things: my computer. ipod. hp. watch. wallet. camera. colours and music =D
Your 9 currents
Current Mood: Confused, stressed
Current Clothes: my pri school petee
Current Desktop: its still byakuya. i'll find a hot one on sasuke, gaara or hitsugaya and put it there.
Current Toe Nail colour: i don't paint my nails
Current Time: 8:30 pm
Current Annoyance: everything.
Current Thoughts: to hell with homework. dammit.
Current Song: bu de bu ai by wilberpan
Current "Chatter": leongying, rannie and blah, i wasn't online for long
Our 8 Firsts
First Best Friend: i figured it was candice or angela or sth
First Crush: my first serious crush on sasuke. jkjk. i think it was last year.
First Movie: disney movies?
First Piercing: don't have one
First Lie: i cut myself in the fan
First Music: hmm, some boring classical song that i have to play on the piano
First Car: my toy car
First Cry: 30june 1992 at around 4 in the afternoon
Your 7 lasts
Last Cigarette: i detest smokers so don't expect me to be one
Last Drink: some soup.
Last Car Ride: today when daddy sent me to school
Last Crush: i won't tell you
Last Movie seen: memoirs of the Geisha. i have it in my com haha
Last Phone Call: Vivian? when she told me to give my gown to ms sng for alteration haha. btw i look stupid in my gown >.<
Last CD Played: i don't play cds.
6 Have you evers
Have you ever dated one of your bestfriends: actually, i've never dated
Have you ever broken the laws: jaywalk!
Have you ever been arrested: nah.
Have you ever been on TV: yea i think so
Have you ever kissed someone u dont know: nah. i haven't, i don't and i won't
5 things that you are wearing: glasses, tshirt, pants, slippers, blah.
4 things you did today: school, choir, talked to quite alot of ppl and let sheena smear a tiny dab of cream onto my arm >.<
3 things you hear right now: the song houki boshi from the blog, uhh the msn conversation thing, and the fan?
2 things you can't live without: my glasses and my clothes
5 peeps to do this quiz: xitheng, jiaye, jianle, ada, shipei. all juniors haha
today was..well, okay.
the lessons were pretty much okay, and during art jesslin and i kept listening to bu de bu ai!
during recess, sheena got cake smeared all over her and she still smells of blueberry jam and cream!
then she went around putting cream on all of us. dah. lucky i only got them on my arm hahahah.
annia got sick today, get well soon darling!
i;ve never seen her in this state before. rest well!
ahh choir. quite okay. but we had to wear our gowns and mine had to be altered =.=
good. means i'm growing talllllllllll
yea i'm tall.
but the gown just looks weird on me
okay. i won't more.
stupid homework.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
throughout the days, i found myself getting sicker and sicker
i shall STOP myself from reading thrillers!
gosh. maybe acting as the murderer in our video has made me into one!
i can't believe myself. thus, i should make more vows like last time:
(check to see what i wrote last time.
meanwhile, i should
1) stop saying damn , dammit
2) stop saying shit! poopoohead is fine haha
3) stop saying whatthehell
4) stop screaming so often, haha
5) and stop being so emotional everytime =.=
yeah. i'be been using too much damns and darns lately.
notice board competion. AGAIN. sigh....
choir tomorrow. have to bring gown. sigh...
loads of homework to do. sigh...
i'm gonna have to sleep late again. sigh...
look at all the stress that we teens face nowadays. sigh...
gah. i'm off to
1) finish my 5 noses, eyes, ears and mouths
2) maths
3) argumentative essay
to hell with stupid homework.
and i hate mr low.
idon't understand a thing he says and he's gay.
ah well i don't mind the gay part (though i hate his "cool?")
i just don't like the way he teachers
seriously, nobody really listens.
why do our science teachers suck so much besides ms ng?
i told ya VJC rock.
bye people, don't miss me.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
today was a hectic day. right.
had choir at 8:30. a horrible time to start a day.
but at least it was fun
it started with warm ups, practical rehearsal and warm ups =.=
warm ups took around an hour. but for the first time in my life i felt really warmed up.
and we sang. lalalalalala~
i thought it was okay. but boat song wasn't too nice, maybe. lol.
after that we had a change of places and went straight down to the aircon/tower hall
after the choir's rehearsal, the other CCAs joined us and sang the higher grounds song =.=
meanwhile, jesse/emmaus was blowing balloons and making farting sounds.
and showing us a piece of paper with lyrics scribbled across it, it was supposed to be sung to the tune of super trouper, only that they, er, edited the lyrics. funneh.
choir was just fun. ohoho. juniors are cute X)
piano class next. and seriously i almost fell asleep in the midst of playing my scales and sight reading. argh, why won't the exam pieces come out now? have to wait until august or september. what if i fail, huh,huh?
tuition class was next. for once (besides last week) i wasn't late, haha. my car (or rather, my dad's car) broke down on our way and we had to buy a tank of petrol from a nearby shell station.
guess what.
petrol is light blue and watery.
a big contrast to what i though was black, sticky and gooey.
anyways, tuition class was relatively fun too.
i've hectic day but a fun one too, it seems.
i want to watch soccer/football/world cup ):
don't know why. my bro suggested me to watch, but since its so late now, i'm afraid i might not have enough sleep and fall asleep during art class. esp. when tomorrow's sketching again.
talking about sketching, jesslin, will you get pissed if i tell you that i did not even touched my sasuke since friday?
i'm still at the hair. so pardon me. i shall colour him in when i am in the mood to do so.
meanwhile, i am SO in the mood to dissect whiteboard markers.
so Ja,
i'm off to...
dl computer games. (i know its rare for me to do that. i just told jem that i never do play computer games, haha. so there you go. a miracle happened.)
bye. tell me who won tomorrow. haha. =.=
Friday, July 07, 2006
Favourite Colours: red [some may know why haha] , black, white, lavander, limegreen, light blue, chrome yellow, pink, orange, turquoise
Favourite Food: its definitely sushi. chicken rice is my fav. in school
Favourite Songs: Jin xing shi by elva hsiao =]
Favourite Movies: i seriously have no idea. i usually watch only the nice shows.
Favourite Day of the Week: its probably friday or tuesday
Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: choc mint. i've been eating that since i was four (:
Favourite Countries: lets say the cities. i can't stand mosquitoes.
Favourite Things: computer. iPod. hp. watch. wallet. camera. colours and music =D
Your 9 currentsCurrent Mood: i'm feeling emotional and down and confused.
Current Clothes: lol my pri school petee and pants
Current Desktop: a shuai pic of byakuya. it used to be sasuke,hitsugaya or gaara lol. or my 6 year old cousin wearing a bikini X)
Current Toe Nail colour: natural colour. i don't paint my nails.
Current Time: 22: 38
Current Annoyance: choir. and only something annia would know probably.
Current Thoughts: what would happen next?
Current Song: Life by Yui.
Current "Chatter": who i'm talking to on msn? yun zhen, leongying, cherine...i can't rmb. talked to more than 8 people bah.
First Best Friend: candice? not too sure lol.
First Crush: last year. i used to be from a girl's school
First Movie: =.= i don't remember. some disney movie i guess.
First Piercing: i don't have one.
First Lie: ah that. when i cut my finger by putting it into the fan, i told my mom i got scratched or sth. lol i was scared she would scold me ;) that was when i was four.
First Music: twinkle twinkle little star or baabaablack sheep.
First Car: my toy car. its a blue one.
First Cry: 30th june 1992 at four thirty pm.
Your 7 lasts
Last Cigarette: i hate smoke so don't ask me this question
Last Drink: waterchestnut soup
Last Car Ride: today when dad sent me to school
Last Crush: its this year but as if i'll tell you.
Last Movie seen: xmen
Last Phone Call: gosh. i didn't call anyone today!
Last CD Played: i dont' listen to cds. i download music.
Your 6 Have you evers
Have you ever dated one of your bestfriends: i've never dated in my life. however, i may like to respond: duh, of course somebody would date their best friend. at least they don't date their enemies ahaha.
Have you ever broken the laws: i jaywalked on wednesday and i am still feeling guilty
Have you ever been arrested: nah.
Have you ever been on TV: probably. some with school activities i guess
Have you ever kissed some one that u dont know: -.- who would?
5 things that you are wearing: tshirt,pants,specs,slippers. and my scrunchie.
4 things you did today: went to school, went to annia's house for the video thingy, drew and shouted
3things you hear right now: music and the sound of the mrt trains passing by and nothing else. i have a peaceful room! (: alright. add those irritaing beeps of teh msn conversation
2 things you can't live without: my computer and my specs. and clothes!
5 peeps to do this quiz: kaiying, annia, xiner, kaying, valerie teo!
great. i feel like punching people.
and dissecting whiteboard markers. a red one this time.
i'm beginning to find all my old friends online!
msn does wonders. it does.
friendster too.
get away with stupid projects.
cut those brainless crap and get m o v i n'
yeah well.
i'm off. hopefull i'll still be alive and kicking tml.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
take it
yepyep. i'm looking forward to tuesday, take away the chinese compo test.